Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Chapter 6 & 7 Journal Entry (Jack)

Chapter Six and Seven: The Beastie Returns!
Two small dark shadows shook me awake.
“The beastie,” one said “we saw it.” finished the other identical voice.
“What?” I moaned, still half asleep.
“It had huge claws and it was moving,” the first one said. “Ralph is calling a meeting,” the other finished.
I sprung to my feet in the dark and noticed that the two shadows was Samneric. I quickly rounded up my hunters as Samneric woke the other children. I spotted Ralph waving the conch in the air and sleepy shadows dragging their feet toward him. Piggy was by Ralph's side already and so I raced over to join the meeting beside Ralph.
“What has happened?” I asked Ralph.
He turned quickly for he didn't know I was there. “Samneric saw the beastie when they were on fire duty. They say it's moving and is very scary,” Ralph said trying to hide the fact that this made him frightened as well.
“We must hunt it down! My hunters and I, we'll kill it! I exclaimed.
“We must hunt it down tomorrow when everything is bright and we can see better to hunt it down,” Ralph agreed.
My hunters were never dun when they heard there was to be a hunt soon.
“Yes, tomorrow sounds like a good decision since it is too dark to wander through the jungle much less hunt down a beast,” I said sagely.
Everyone returned to their shelters and quickly went back to sleep. Everyone but the hunters. After our first kill all we have wanted to do is slay some more pigs but killing this beastie would be our biggest hunt yet and ever. My father would have looked at me proudly but obviously frightened and said that I was being very bravado. Morning came too slowly and everyone but the littluns woke up and were immediately ready to go and kill this horrible beastie.
Ralph turned to me and asked if there was any part of the island I had not explored before.
“The rocks, I haven't spent time hunting over the rocks near those caves” I said as I pointed near the mountain area. “Just over that mountain, pretty far but we can make it today,” I tried to say bravely.
Ralph had a scared look on his face. “Good, well Piggy should stay behind to watch the littluns,”
“Always protect Piggy. Let him stay here so he doesn't get hurt,” I said enviously.
“But, but, what if the beastie comes here when you're gone trying to find it and I'm here all alone with only the littluns,” Piggy shuddered.
“Oh get over it, Fatty. Stop being so scared all of the time,” I said impatiently for the urge to kill was overwhelming me inside. The scene of the squealing pig struggling and then dying when I stabbed it repeated over and over again.
“Can we leave now? We won't have daylight forever,” I said through gritted teeth, stroking the point of my spear. Ralph agreed and Piggy was left alone with the horrible littluns to take care of. I lead the group of hunters and other biguns to the mountain where Ralph again lectured us about the importance of fire. Ralph would not give up so we left two people in charge of the fire while we were gone.
“It's getting dark. Someone should go back and tell Piggy that we won't be back before dark,” Ralph says worriedly.
“I'll go,” Simon said, already walking back up the mountain and down it again to get to the forest.
“My hunters need meat!” I exclaimed at Ralph.
He agreed to let us go hunt and so we raced into the jungle. I spotted a boar and nearly caught it when it gave me a large scratch on my arm. We chased after it but when we got back out of the jungle the boar was gone and Ralph was jumping up and down in excitement.
“I threw my spear at it and it was wounded!” Ralph yelled excitedly.
“It got away and gave me this little scratch,” I showed him the gash on my arm but he didn't seem to notice.
“I wounded it!” Ralph repeated but still nobody seemed to care. He was only trying to get more attention again. It was infuriating so I tried to make him look bad.
“Why'd you throw the spear? You could have waited and we could have caught it for sure,” I said.
“But I wounded it,” Ralph said depressingly.
We played a quick game to reenact what had happened during the hunt and everyone's spirits were up again.
We soon arrived at a cave and I decided that I would go in with Ralph to see what exactly was inside. It smelt of brine and another horrible stench.
“We should have one more person,” Ralph said.
“I'll come,” Roger whispered.
Ralph and I jumped because we didn't know he was in the cave with us.
“I guess that makes three,” I said.
Ralph fell behind and so I turned to see what he was doing. He stood motionless in the dark tunnel-like cave.
“Well aren't you coming? Or are you afraid?” I said trying to make him angry so he would keep moving.
“If you're not then why don't you go see what's out there and come back and tell us,” Ralph said foiling my plan.
“Alone?” my voice squeaked.
“Yes,” He said plainly.
I stared at him to see if he was jocking and picked up my spear and began to walk farther into the cave alone. About fifteen minutes later I came back and tell them that the rest of the cave was all clear and so we all got up, grabbed our spears and walked into the unknown. When we came out of the cave onto the other side we saw a sight unexplainable in words, all I know is that it was most definitely the beastie everyone was afraid of. We ran after we threw our spears to the floor and raced back to warn the others about the terrible discovery.


Dervishi said...

when you said that they sent two people to guard the fire it was untrue because they were scared of going there because of the beastie. You also skipped some details like the cave that Jack was so excited about. I liked your ending though,"we saw a sight that was unexplainable in words". Speaking of words though, you don't have the vocab words in there, so you might want to add them in for more credit.