Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Chapter 3 & 4 Journal Entry (Piggy)

Chapter 3&4: Huts and Hunting
“Where's Jack? He better not be off hunting again,” Ralph asked himself.
Simon mumbled in agreement. Ralph and Simon sat on the mud covered ground on their knees. They wiped the sweat off of their foreheads from working so hard.
“Simon, go get more of that string,” Ralph ordered.
Simon stood, brushed the dirt off of his hands and walked off into the jungle with one of the littluns trailing behind.
“Piggy, where is Jack?” I turned as I felt a slight tugging on my sleeve.
“Not sure, probably out trying to get himself some meat,” I said. “Now go away, I'm trying to rest,” The littlun turned and dragged his feet in the sand back to his friends. When I looked back to check on the progress of Ralph and Simon's shelters Simon was back and Ralph had already tied the palm leaves to a stick in the ground like a tent.
I felt the tugging on my sleeve again. “Now see here!” I yelled. When I turned to my right I saw that Samneric were kneeling at my side in the sand.
“What is it?” I asked.
“We all,” said Sam “ we want food,” said Eric.
“If you haven't gotten any just get some fruit from the trees,” I replied.
“Well we can't reach and,” Sam said “Simon usually helps us get it.” finished Eric.
“Then go ask him for help,” I mumbled as I layed back down.. I could hear the quiet susurrations of Samneric as they walked away. I rolled back over to my left to watch Ralph and Simon again. Suddenly the hut they were building collapsed and Simon was buried under it. Simon got out from underneath the mess and had a contrite look on his face.
“Sorry,” Simon apologized. Ralph nodded his head.
Suddenly Jack jumped out of the trees from the forest. Ralph jumped and Simon gasped.
“Where were you!” Ralph said angrily.
“I was out hunting, I almost caught a pig Ralph,” Jack said, bursting with excitement.
“I have been here all day trying to make us some shelter and I only have help from Simon,” Ralph replied malevolently.
“We needed meat, and if you've been working all day on these huts it doesn't seem as if you've gotten very far,” Jack said as a matter of factly.
Their blatant argument was attracting attention form the littluns and the biguns.
“We need a place to have shelter for when the rain comes!” Ralph yelled
“Meat comes first. We need it more.”
“We already have fruit! We can wait on the meat but people will get sick if there is no place to stay when it gets stormy,” Ralph said, standing up a bit straighter as Jack flushed defeated and Simon slowly walked away, unnoticed by anyone.
They're acting like children, I thought to myself. I'd be a much better leader than either of them and they know it.
The next morning came quickly, and then evening came soon after. Ralph and I and a couple of other boys decided to go down to the pool to cool off. Of course, I just sat under a tree on account of my asthma and watched the others. Water splashed out of the pool every time someone did a cannon ball or belly flop into the water. Ralph's eyes suddenly widened and he chocked on water as he yelled. “Smoke, smoke, I see smoke!”
“Where?” Maurice asked.
“There, out in the sea, don't you see it?”
“It's a ship. Ship, ship!” Maurice added.
Everyone got out of the pool in what seemed like less than a second and were quickly getting their clothes on.
“I don't see any smoke!” I yelled to a rapt Ralph.
He was already running into the forest towards the mountain.
“I don't see smoke!” I yelled, staring at the mountain top.
Everyone had started running after Ralph and so I decided to follow. When I reached the top of the mountain I was panting and everyone was staring at the ashes left by the flames.
“They're turning around. Come back! Come back!” Ralph yelled. “Come back! Come back!” Everyone joined in so loudly that the birds flew out of the trees like the time Ralph blew the conch. When everyone could no longer scream and the ship was out of view we heard chanting and loud footsteps heading up the mountain. Jack was leading the chant and the line. Many of the littluns and hunters were behind him, covered in blood and sweat and the camouflage clay they had spread on their faces. Jack came to a stop and stood inches away from Ralph.
“We caught it! We caught a pig. Last time I didn't catch it but this time we were ready!” Jack yelled jumping up and down excitedly.
“Yes, I fell over,” Sam started “and he tackled it.” Eric finished.
“It was wonderful.” said Jack.
“You let the fire go out,” Ralph said through clenched teeth.
“We'll light it again. Oh you should have been there.”
“You said you were going to watch it but you let it go out,” Ralph repeated.
“I said I'd light it again didn't I? See,” Jack turned to me and held out his hand “Hand me your specs, fatty.”
“There was a ship! They would have seen us if there was a fire but you and your bloody hunting cost us all rescue!” I yelled, red in the face. Under his mask, the color in Jack's face had rushed out at the news of the ship. There was silence and Jacks face light up.
“What did you say, fatty?” Jack asked as his fist swung into my gut and made my fall back onto the ground. “What did you say!” It was more of a threat than a question now as the palm of his hand swiped my face and made a loud slapping noise.
Soon all of the hunters were laughing and chanting and Ralph was already walking down the mountain as he yelled “I'm declaring a meeting. I don't care if it's dark, but when I blow the conch the meeting will be starting!”


Dervishi said...

I like how you were descriptive and made it easy to visualize. "-sat on the mud covered ground on their knees. They wiped the sweat off their foreheads". But I think you left out a few things like piggy's glasses breaking, or the littluns speaking of the beastie again. I also liked how you used a lot of quotes straight from the book.