Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Long Way Gone: Post 3

Quote #1: "There wasn't a gradual change between night and day. The darkness just swiftly rolled away, letting the sky shine it's light on us." ~Narrator/Author Ishmael Beah page 82
Response #1: I think that this quote is foreshadowing something that will happen to Ishmael later on in the chapter. I think this because of the first sentence in the quote. I think that since Ishmael says that there is no gradual change between night and day that he is foreshadowing a change in character on his part. I think that the quote symbolises that the rebels will come so quickly that Ishmael won't be able to tell what is going on, just like the immediate change between night and day.
Character Judgement #1: I have learned that the rebels have no mercy and will do anything to betray the war. I believe that the rebels kidnap mostly young children because the rebels can easily teach them to betray their conscious unlike adults. I have seen that the rebels are merciless even though most all of them were in the same situation as the people they kidnap and torture.
Question #1: Do you think that this quote may be leading up to a change in character in Ishmael? Why?

Quote #2: "They have lost everything that makes them human." The Lieutenant page 108
Response #2: I agree with The Lieutenant. I also think that the rebels have lost any ego they began with and their minds have come to the point where they are only in the state of id. This makes it so that they are almost in a trance of constant killing and obeying their leaders.
Character Judgement #2: I think that the lieutenant is a good person. I like that he likes to read and learn even though he has a lot of knowledge and authority. I also like that the lieutenant is very kind to Ishmael.
Question #2: Do you think that the Lieutenant will survive the war and immigrate to America like Ishmael?


Michael said...
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Olivia A said...

Quote #1: I agree with you that it might be foreshadowing a bad event. I also think that it may be showing how Ishmael is loosing hope in himself
Question #1: I think that Ishmael has changed a lot in only a matter of days. He's seen many people including his family get killed, so I think this may be leading up to another major change in him

Quote #2: This quote reminds me of lord of the flies, in the way that they are doing anything to fulfill their needs to kill. Also their concepts of civilization.
Question #2: I think the lieutenant might get killed in combat sometime soon. I think this because many of the soldiers and citizens are main targets.
~Olivia A.

Michael said...

Quote #1: I agree with you one hundred percent, this quote was just said or thought in a way where I could not have been just a thought. This quote had to have been said or thought in a way where there was some poetic meaning. Ishmael is trying to lead us to a future event, but we do not know exactly what is going to happen but I have a good idea.

Question #1: I do think that maybe Ishmael is going to change from horrified of killing to a killing machine. It might also be that a future event is going to cause everything to become dark or horrific.

Quote #2: I think Lieutenant is saying that the definition of human is someone who has ego, id and super ego. Someone who is conscious of what they do. These rebels, in his definition are no human. He feels that they have no consciousness of what the other people are feeling. Maybe it is because they are young, or it is because they were raised to believe in killing.

Question #2: In this war, there is a slim chance of survival on both sides. If Lieutenant survives this war, he would probably immigrate but I'm not sure about immigrating to the US.

vincent said...

Quote#1: I like how you said that Ishmael wouldn't be aware of his surroundings then if he isn't aware of his surroundings something bad could happen. If he isn't aware of his surroundings he could put in others or him himself in danger.
Question#1: I think that Ishmael is going to change more through out the book.
Quote#2: I agree with the Lieutenant, because the Rebels have nothing that can make them human because they do stuff that no human is capable of doing.
Question#2: I think the Lieutenant will survive the war and he will join again with Ishmael, because they were good friends.

vincent said...

Quote#1: I like how you said that Ishmael wouldn't be aware of his surroundings then if he isn't aware of his surroundings something bad could happen. If he isn't aware of his surroundings he could put in others or him himself in danger.
Question#1: I think that Ishmael is going to change more through out the book.
Quote#2: I agree with the Lieutenant, because the Rebels have nothing that can make them human because they do stuff that no human is capable of doing.
Question#2: I think the Lieutenant will survive the war and he will join again with Ishmael, because they were good friends.