Friday, February 20, 2009

A Long Way Gone: Post 2

Quote #1: "My heart throbbed with pain as I watched my brother lying on the ground, pretending to be one of the dead bodies." ~Narrator/Author Ishmael Beah
Significance #1: I think that Ishmael was very scared because he knew he could only watch from the sidelines if his brother got into any kind of trouble. Since Ishmael and Junior were in different groups when they were crossing the clearing, he probably felt very worried for his brother, Ishmael knew that he would not be with him if anything were to go wrong. I would also think that Junior was hoping to make it across safely to be with his brother again.
Character Judgment: So far in the book, Junior has been one of the main characters but he never really is described in detail about his physical appearance or how his personality is. I think that as the book has gone on I have seen more of how close Junior and Ishmael are and Junior has showed that he watches out for Ishmael carefully.
Question #1: Do you think that laying down flat in the clearing helped them not to get caught? Explain why and how you think that the rebels didn't see them.

Quote #2: "Being in a group of six boys was not to our advantage." ~Narrator/Author Ishmael Beah
Response #2: I think that civilians that the rebels had not attacked yet would be extremely cautious of boys Ishmael and Juniors ages because most of the soldiers were teenagers like them. What I didn't expect was the villagers, later on in the chapter, being so aggresive toward the group of boys like that. I was suprised when they tied them up and pushed them to the ground. I later understood that there are certain boys that the rebels make spies to get into certain villages and I understood more of why the villagers would do that.
Connection: I can not really connect to this quote personally but I can connect it to how people are very cautious during times of war. For example, The Iraq War right now isn't even happening in the US but people here are being very hostile to innocent people becuase they feel they can not trust them based on what country they came from. I do not agree with this but I think it can connect back to how the villagers felt with the group of boys, they assumed that they were part of the rebels because of the way they looked.
Question #2: Do you think that the villagers could have just searched for the RUF carving on the boys or do you think they would not be convinced? Explain why.


Michael said...

Quote #1: I felt this was a very deep and sad quote. This was so scary for him, this is one of those moments where your heart is pumping and you don't want him to be in trouble. The worst moment is when the person gets in trouble, because it almost feels like your heart stopped.
Question #1: Sometimes it is good to hide out in the open because people seem to look for hidden things. But most of the time you want to be hidden because it is much harder to be spotted.
Quote #2: I agree that six boys was not that much good as it is bad. The more boys they have, the easier they can get spotted. The more people you have, the louder you are. Also, these are inexperienced boys. They could be caught in an ambush and don't know what to do. And it is so easy for them to have friendly fire because they don't know who is their allies and who is not.
Question #2: I think they could have just searched for the RUF carving. This is basically a passport or drivers license for a group. That would probably be the simplest way to tell but I'm not in the war and I have not experienced war yet so I would no know what they would do.

vincent said...

Quote#1:This quote was one of the things that show more about Junior and how he is as a person. THis quote is also sad and deep as micheal said this what Ishmael had do when he was a solider or what ever.
Question#1: It is good to lay low when hiding so it isn't easy to be spotted.
Quote#2 I agree and disagree.I agree with that if you have a lot of people you can be spotted easier, but if there is a lot of people you can always split up and find each other instead of being alone.
Question#2: The tribal people could have looked but the just wanted to keep their village safe.