Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Journal Entry (Piggy)

Chapter 9 & 10: The Loss of the Boy and the Glasses

Ralph and I could hear the faint noise of the party in the distance. Everyone had left for Jack's feast of pig. That bloody hunter keeps trying to get everyone to go to his tribe, but Ralph, Simon, Samneric and I would never do such a thing. But where was Simon, I hadn't seen him for hours.
"Ralph, I think that we should go to the feast, you know, to keep an eye on things," I suggested.
"I think your right, Piggy. Brilliant ideas you have. Maybe Simon is there, you know, I haven't seen him since yesterday," He seemed to be still thinking about this as we walked over to Jack's feast.

Jack sat upon a high rock that he seemed to think was his thrown. He looked down on the feast where I saw Samneric and a ton of littluns, bigguns and hunters. Jack beckoned Ralph, the bigguns who were still in our tribe and I over to his seat. We walked over, confused that he would welcome us this way and stood next to him.
"Have you eaten?" He looked down at Ralph and I and we shook our heads. He looked over to the bigguns in our (Ralph and my) tribe.

The bigguns nodded happily. By that time it had begun raining and the littluns from our tribe joined the small meeting and nodded as well.
"I have fed you, are you happy? Will you agree to join my tribe?"
"I've fed you, now will you join my tribe or won't you?" He asked again.

"I'll join," a littlun said.
"So will I," said a biggun.
Soon everyone in Ralph's tribe had spoken up and gone to Jack's tribe. All who was left in our tribe was Ralph, Samneric, Simon, some littluns and I.
Happy, Jack stood with a seeming phosphorescence emitting from him. All laid eyes upon him as he spoke.
"We must get rid of this dreaded rain storm with our game," The boys cheered in delight, knowing what this game was about.

Everyone gathered into a circle and one boy, it was to dark to see who, got in the middle of our circle. Kill the pig. Cut his throat. Spill it's blood, was chanted by all of us. Even Ralph and I tried to join in on the fun. The boy in the middle crawled around on all fours and squealed like a dying pig as he was hit over and over with the butts of spears and many bony fists. The thunder of the chanting roared on as a strange creature crawled out of the bushes. Ralph saw it and shrieked.
There were other gasps in the crowd when someone yelled "Beast, beast!!!"

We circled it and began chanting. Kill the beast. Cut it's throat. Spill his blood. Do him in! This was repeated all throughout the time we mobbed the beast and stabbed it and even the littluns were throwing tiny punches and kicks at it. Soon it became incredibly exciting and we were all on top of it, tearing it's hair with our hands, biting into flesh and ripping it off of it's body. I could hear every terrible tear of flesh and agonizing scream that went along with it from the beast. The beasts corpulent body soon went limp and rolled into the water slowly when I, and everyone else, could see what we had killed. Simon.

Later on Ralph and I stood with our hearts in our throats and horrible gut wrenching pains of guilt.

"It was murder, Piggy, murder," Ralph insisted.
"It was an accident, besides he was barmy crawling out of the bushes like that in the middle of the night when we were all excited like that. And-" Ralph cut me off in the middle of my illumination.
"It was murder all the same. Accident or not, it was murder and it was of Simon," He said nearly in tears from his guilt and the loss of his friends. I decided to leave it at that and not try to explain any further. I no longer wanted to think of it.

We later met up with Samneric and they explained to us that they had left early from the feast and were wondering if it was any fun after they left. Ralph finally understood that we needed to leave it in the past and he told them that we had no idea, for we left right after we ate.

Hours later, back at our own camp with just Ralph, Samneric and I, Ralph seemed to be losing interest in keeping the fire going. I think he just went depressed from what happened yesterday. No, nothing happened yesterday. We only ate and came back to the camp to go to sleep. We lay in our tent, Ralph, Samneric and I when we heard noises and saw three black figures outside. I began to lose my breath and could no longer breathe. I grabbed at the air, trying to bring it toward me somehow but didn't succeed. All I could do was kick and punch and grab at the ground gasping for air. I heard grunts while punches were thrown at one another in the tent but I could no longer see but a blurry outline of what was happening. After my asthma attack passed I felt my face for my glasses and they were no longer there.