Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Journal Entry (Samneric)

Chapter 11 and 12: The Last Hunt
(italic=Sam, regular=Eric)

I struggled to sleep last night because-
And I, I couldn't sleep last night either.
Yes fine Sam, we couldn't sleep last night because of the frighteningly exciting fight between a few of Jack's followers and us (the biguns of Ralph's tribe).
I, I mean we, both woke up with heavy bags under our eyes and very pale white skin from the horrible lack of sleep.
Yes, and when we woke up someone had called an assembly to speak of Piggy's stolen specs.

"We should go to Castle Rock. I will speak to Jack and I'll say that he needs to give me back my specs, not to be a good sport or show respect, just because what's right is right!" Piggy announced angrily.

"Good idea Piggy. We shall head to Castle Rock, but you must be the one to speak," Ralph agreed.

I was a bit frightened to go over to Jack's tribe and confront them about Piggy's glasses.
Well, I wasn't frightened at all. No not one bit frightened, not of Jack, not of anybody.
We stood side by side, helping each other through the tall grass and thickets to get to the Castle Rock.
When we arrived, Piggy was trembling deliriously. He was crouching with all of us, on a lower platform than the one that lead to Jack's hide out.
There were gaurds before the entrance to the cave where they lived.
We all crouched down silently when we heard Jack and a few hunters coming out of the trees, back to Castle Rock.
Yeah, and we could hear 'em chanting their chants while we watched them carry the bloody pig they hunted.

When Jack reached the top of the rock we gasped as we saw the blood dripping from his hands and his dirty face covered in clay.
Ralph pushed Piggy, urging him to speak.
Piggy was spotted by Jack and soon after Ralph and the rest of us were seen.

Jack smiled truculently at us and when Piggy took to long to speak, Ralph decided to speak for him.
"Give back Piggy's glasses, Jack," Ralph ordered.
"Why should I?" Jack responded childishly.
"Jack you stole them. Your a thief. A thief and a bloody swine!" Ralph suddenly burst out angrily and losing his temper.
Immediately, Jack charged at Ralph with his pointed spear and Ralph grabbed a spear as his own and dodged the attack.
Ralph got to his feet and the fight began.
Cheering rose up from the hunters and the littluns began ululating. Ralph tried to thrust his spear at Jack but he ducked and threw his spear at Ralph.

Ralph grunted loudly but luckily he was only hit by the butt of Jack's spear.
Meanwhile, Piggy had been shouting at Ralph and Jack about his specs when suddenly... CRASH! Piggy squealed-
Really Sam, "Piggy squealed?"
Whatever. Piggy squealed as a large boulder crushed and threw him down the mountain, leaving a trail of blood into the ocean.
There was then a short cessation of chanting and screaming and howling as all eyes turned to the floating body in the water and Roger's horrible smile.

"See, you see? That's what you get! What you deserve!" Jack roared with laughter as Ralph stared at him in complete shock.
Before Ralph could do anything, Jack looked at Roger and tilted his head toward us, Sam and I.
Roger grabbed us and tied us up with a rope he had been holding.
We were tied to a pole in the ground and beaten senseless.
The last thing I saw were Ralph's feet scurrying away into the jungle.

When we woke up it was night time and everyone had begun their feast. We were thrown against a rock and told to keep guard. Soon enough though, Ralph came and asked us what Jack was planning to do.
We told him we didn't know. All we had seen was Roger sharpening a spear at both ends, we told him.
We were given a small share of the meat and we gave a piece to Ralph out of kindness.
He seemed to desperately want us to sneak away with him but the truth was, we felt that Jack's group would be safer and if we joined Ralph then we would be killed.
We sent him away after he told us that he would be hiding in a thicket near by and to keep Jack away from there.

The next morning we were woken up by Jack who told everyone to make a cordon so we could search the island successfully for Ralph.
Someone whispered to Jack and we were both suddenly slapped on the face.

"Someone saw you two speaking to Ralph last night. I know he gave you two information, now what did he say?" Jack ordered.
We decided not to speak which was not a good idea because Jack quickly grabbed Eric by the neck and forced me to tell him by beating Eric and strangling him at the same time.
Sam told Jack of where Ralph was hiding and we all were forced to run to the thicket where we found Ralph.
Roger soon became frustrated and used Piggy's specks to set the thicket on fire.
All we saw was a spear and someone bolt out of the other side of the thicket into the forest.
Roger found him again, in a bigger stronger thicket but Ralph escaped once more. We were forced to hold lit torches and run to where ever Jack thought Ralph might be.

I soon spotted Ralph at the beach in the distance with what seemed to be a, an adult and I grabbed Sam's arm and tried to make a run for it toward rescue.

We were caught by the necks, slapped and were yelled at for attempting to escape. We watched as our dear friend Ralph and some littluns stood at an officer's side, sobbing.