Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Long Way Gone: Post 5

Quote #1: "Yes you see, this is the beauty of starting a new family. You can have different kinds of family members." ~Esther, page 167
Response: I picked this quote because I thought that it was kind of Esther to speak of Ishmael as a sort of family member. I don't think that Ishmael understood why she was doing this because he hadn't known her for a long time like he had known actual family members. I think that he replied with "but I didn't have a sister" because he thought of Junior when she said that he could think of her as a sibling.
Personal Connection: I connected with this quote because some of my best friends I have known for a long time and even though they aren't my actual family they are treated like family. I think that Ishmael and Esther have this connection because I think that Esther can feel Ishmael's pain in what he went through and they will be there for eachother.
Question #1: Why do you think that Esther would offer to treat Ishmael as a family member?

Quote #2: "Don't let them get your hopes up, young man." Ishmael's uncle, page 191
Response: I picked this quote because whenever Ishmael thought about his chances of going to America he would think of his uncle saying this. I think that Ishmael thinks of his uncle saying this because he may not be wanting to be dissapointed if he is not able to go to America. He may also be saying this because apart of him is afraid to visit America.
Personal Connection: I can connect to this quote because whenever I am excited about something that might happen someone ends up telling me not to get my hopes up. I think that this relates to what Ishmael's uncle would say because I think people say this because they don't want to see someone be dissapointed in something that didn't happen.
Question #2: Do you think that Ishmael is trying to not get his hopes up for this reason or something else? Why?

Character Analysis: Ishmael's uncle


Olivia A said...

Quote #1: I think Esther also means that a family is not always made up of people your related to, but people that love you and care about you. I agree with you about your friends being like family.
Question #1:I think because Esther cares about Ishmael and she wants him to feel loved like his family loves him.

Quote #2:I think Ishmael remembers this because he thought he wasn't going to be able to go to America. I can agree with you because sometimes I tell myself that and people tell me that so that im not too disappointed if something doesn't go right.
Question #2: I think Ishmael told himself that so that he wouldn't be crushed if he never got to go to America.

Michael said...

Quote #1: I remember reading this quote and the first thought was, this is so cheesy. After thinking about it, he was talking about this in a much larger scale. He is saying that immigrating is starting a new life. The beauty of starting a new life is, you don't know whats going to happen next.

Question #1: I think because I think Esther and Ishmael have a connection some how.

Quote #2: I agree with you on how every time he is thinking of going to America, he will think of this. I think his uncle is just trying to protect him from being hurt more than he is going to be. If he starts believing about going to America and does not go, he will be so depressed.

Question #2: I think Ishmael is trying to lower his expectations because of what his uncle said and because he respects and believes what his uncle says.

vincent said...

Quote#1: I also do the same with my close friends, most of my mom's co-workers are freinds with the family but we call them auntie or uncle.(It is a filipino thing.)
Question#1:I think that Esther would do that becasue he has no one else to be there for him, but she also has a special connection with him that she doesn't have with other kids, that would also be a reason she would treat him like a family memember.
Quote#2: I have also been told this by friends and family, I agree with you they say it becasue you can get your hopes up and then get hurt because they might not happen.
Question#2: I think he isn't getting his hopes up because the way hee hears rap music and he might think that it is going to be like back home with the war.